Kazi Creative Agency embarked on a rebranding journey with James Hector, an actor known for his roles as thugs and criminals. Our goal was to reshape his public image, showcasing his versatility and range as an actor to prevent typecasting.


Kazi Creative Agency conducted in-depth industry research to identify opportunities for Jamee in different genres. The rebranding process involved close collaboration with Jamie's management team to ensure the new brand aligned with his career aspirations and acting range.

JamIe faced the challenge of being pigeonholed into specific roles, limiting his career growth. The rebranding strategy aimed to overcome this by highlighting his ability to tackle a variety of roles.

Kazi Creative Agency conducted in-depth industry research to identify opportunities for Jamee in different genres. The rebranding process involved close collaboration with Jamie's management team to ensure the new brand aligned with his career aspirations and acting range.

 Before the rebrand, James's portfolio primarily featured roles as antagonists. Post-rebrand, his portfolio showcased a balanced mix of characters, including leading roles in dramas and comedies, demonstrating his versatility.


Before the rebrand, James's portfolio primarily featured roles as antagonists. Post-rebrand, his portfolio showcased a balanced mix of characters, including roles in TV dramas and crime shows, demonstrating his versatility.

Post-rebrand, Jamie experienced a significant shift in the roles he was offered, with a 40% increase in auditions for diverse characters.

 His social media engagement soared by 50%, reflecting a growing interest in his expanded portfolio.

Jamie secured roles in two major films and a recurring role in a television series , a testament to the effectiveness of the rebranding strategy.

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